Distance So Close It Hurts

As promised, in a lead up to the short form workshop I’m running at The Arts Center in Troy, NY starting Jan 21, here is another link to a piece that inspires me to write. This one’s by poet and author Reginald Dwayne Betts. It turns a head into an airport and a paragraph into a world. Take a look, then consider signing up to write your own pieces for six weeks in the new year.arts_center_capital_region_troy_exterior-thumb-525x393-12046Short Form: Writing Creatively Without Worrying What To Call ItThursdays January 21, 2016 to February 25, 2016 — 06:00 PM to 08:00 PMThis course is designed to get the pen moving. Once we’ve got writing down, we can look at what form could help us move it along. Poems, blog posts, flash fiction, creative non-fiction, status updates – we’ll make it all. Don’t worry if you think you don’t write in a certain form (or much at all). These exercises are designed to get us to write first, then ask questions later. We’ll come away with a mini-portfolio of short pieces.


A New Year, A New Post


So Sweet