Just call me Helen....
Friendly Fall note here about an upcoming reading by participants in my Short Form Creative Writing Class at The Troy Arts Center. We'll be in the Black Box Theatre from 7 to 8 PM next Friday, Oct 28 for Troy Night Out. Join us!
Here is the list of readers: Linda Berkery, James Carr, Deborah Hrustich, Dr., Cindy Insero, James Marchetti, Teri Mayor, Rosemarie Nash, Zachary Stewart, and Sara Weeks.
Then the second session of Short Form starts the week after. Spots are still available! I thrive on facilitating the creative writing process and these classes have been so rewarding for all of us. If you've been with me or not yet, you can always join because I don't repeat and there aren't any prerequisites. Details below.
ThursdaysNovember 3, 2016 to December 15, 2016 — 06:00 PM to 08:00 PM
In this continuation course, students will keep the pen moving. Once we’ve got writing down, we can look at what form could help us move it along. Poems, blog posts, flash fiction, creative non-fiction, status updates – we’ll make it all. Don’t worry if you think you don’t write in a certain form (or much at all). We will generate new, fresh writing then work with these pieces to create a “finished” piece. *The prerequisite of Short Form I is NOT required to take part II* NO CLASS 11/24