December in review
Lots happened this month in my writing world. Of course lots happening in the world, to the world, and lord knows I’m looking for what’s happening that is FOR this world. The way Mr. Rogers apparently encouraged kids to look for the helpers when disaster strikes, I try to look for all the many people and creatures that are helping. On that note, here’s an organization that’s cleaning up the plastics in the ocean.
In other news, which is to say in Cara Benson writing news, there are a few things I want to share. I worked with the amazing Sumanth Prabhaker, Orion’s Editor in Chief, on an essay about my beloved Jon’s bird book. It came out just this month in their Winter 2023 issue on stands now. Or you can order it online here.
Then an interview I did with Kerri ní Dochartaigh ran in Full Stop. We talked writing, failure, birds, and transforming language to meet this moment of multiple crises on the planet.
And I’m very excited to note that I signed with Jennifer Thompson of Nordlyset. I’ve got a book forming that is kindred to the Orion essay, and we’ll be working together to get it out in the world. I’m thrilled, I tell you, thrilled to be working with someone whom I feel so positively about. It seems quite mutual. That’s how you want it, right? Reciprocity. I want that to be the theme of 2024.
Here’s a beautiful image of the Orion cover for your eyeballs.