Laughing Earth
That's the name of farm about five minutes down the hill from my home. I absolutely adore this farm! And now I'm going to lead a writing workshop in the fields. Oh my goodness, I'm excited. Here are the details - join us if you're in the area!
Writing Workshop at Laughing Earth Farm
Thursday, July 20
6 - 8pm
Suggested donation $15 (Everyone welcome regardless of ability to donate!)
Come to the farm for an evening of inspiration, conversation, and the generation of words in the air and on the page. We will gather in the fields to listen to short readings to till the soil of our imaginations and to write in response. Whether you're writing poems, stories, memoir, personal essays, all of the above, or not yet writing but would like to be, you will find an outlet and a safe space here to create. There will be opportunities to share our writing, if desired. Bring a notebook, something to write with, and a chair if you have one. If it rains, we will have a protected space to write.
There's a Google form to indicate interest so we can make sure we have the proper table space in the field ready. Or you can just show on up!